CORBA Facilities are useful for
constructing applications across a wide range of application domains. They
are divided into Horizontal CORBA Facilities, which are typically more user-oriented, and Vertical CORBA
Facilities, which support specific application domains. The Horizontal CORBA Facilities currently identified
by OMG are grouped into four areas:
User Interface Facilities, which
include Compound Presentation, Desktop Management, Rendering
Management, Scripting, and User Support Facilities.
Information Management Facilities,
which include Compound Interchange, Data Encoding and
Representation, Data Interchange, Information Exchange, Information Modeling, Information Storage and
Retrieval, and Time Operations Facilities.
System Management Facilities, which
include Collection Management, Consistency, Customization, Data
Collection, Event Management, Instance Management, Instrumentation, Policy Management, Process
Launch, Quality of Service Management, Scheduling Management, and Security Facilities.
Task Management Facilities, which
include Agent, Automation, Rule Management, and Workflow Facilities.
No Horizontal CORBA Facilities
have been specified as yet. The first CORBA Facilities RFP was issued in
October of 1994 for Compound Document Facilities (Compound Presentation and Compound Interchange).
Further RFPs will be forthcoming in 1995.
The Vertical CORBA Facilities currently
identified by OMG (as a result of responses from interested vertical
market segments to an OMG RFI) are: Accounting, Application Development, Computer Integrated
Manufacturing, Currency, Distributed Simulation, Imagery, Information Superhighways,
Internationalization, Mapping, Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Security, and Telecommunication.
No Vertical CORBA Facilities have been specified as yet.
The Bibliography lists sources
of additional information about CORBA.